DZGN featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Yogi Berra was a baseball icon. The museum dedicated to his greatness in Little Falls, NY, was looking for a modern and fun sparkling way to deliver his spirit to young and old. Responsive Spaces provided an easy to engage with, interactive exhibit which presents the physics of baseball to all visitors. The goal was to be convenient enough for indoor use while at the same time deliver some ball whirling action. By combining stylized illustrations with high-tech sensor magic Responsive Spaces created an installation, which meets all prerequisites and most importantly, is lots of fun to play!

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Macys Website

Macy's website allows customers to shop Macy's offerings online, and includes a host of shopping and style-oriented features. In 2019, Macy's website was redesigned with a clean, simple, and fashion-inspired design. As a result, user engagement increased dramatically following the launch of the new design.

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Mother Earth

Mother Earth is a reflection of reality, according to Naseer vision. As a portrait photographer, he decided to capture Planet earth as a human being, who's being sick as a result of pollution. Naseer carefully choose the elements for the make up to represent planet earth in a human form. Naseer tries to show through Planet Earth photograph how planet earth would looks like and feel if it has a human form.

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The extended design is based on the concept of the queen and chessboard. With the two colors black and gold, the design is to convey the sense of high-class and reshape the visual image. In addition to the metal and gold lines used in the product itself, the element of the scene is constructed to set off the war impression of the chess, and we uses the coordination of stage lighting to create smoke and light of the war.

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The artists' project takes advantage of the U15 building's features to create an association with natural elements present in the collective imagination. Taking advantage of the building structure and parts of it, as its colors and shapes, they try to evoke more specifics locations like the Chinese Stone Forest, the American Devil Tower, as generic natural icons like waterfalls, rivers, and rocky slopes. To grant a different interpretation in every picture, the artists explore the building through a minimalist approach, using different angles and perspectives.

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The Japanese Forest

"The Japanese Forest" is taken from a Japanese religious perspective. One of the Japanese ancient religions is Animism. Animism is a belief that non-human creatures, still life (minerals, artifacts, etc.) and invisible things also have an intention. Photography is similar to this. Masaru Eguchi is shooting something that makes feeling in the subject. Trees, grass and minerals feel the will of life. And even artifacts such as dams that left in nature for a long time feel the will. Just as you see the untouched nature, the future will see the present scenery.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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