DZGN featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Differentiation is probably the most important factor in packaging these days as packaging is often the only way to appeal and compete with other products on the shelf: it has to stand out among others. This solution is clearly a new approach and concept for beer packaging: not breakable, lighter to carry, less production cost, therefore has advantages in both delivery and production. From brainstorming to branding, choosing the materials and finishing, Leuven differentiates itself from other premium Belgian beers in the market.

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Calendar 2014 “Town”

Town is a paper craft kit with parts that can be freely assembled into a calendar. Put together buildings in different forms and enjoy creating your very own little town. Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an element of surprise, enriching space. Our original products are designed using the concept of Life with Design.

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LAXART museum

LAXART is a museum that brings LA artists and artworks based on LA into one space. The new LAXART logo celebrates the life found beating throughout the city through its multiple colors and layers of X-shaped lines. The colors and X's build on each other to represent the diversity found in Los Angeles. The logo can also adapt to a variety of surfaces and mediums, subtly shifting from print, to web, and other interactive environments to accommodate to a continually shifting city.

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180º North East

"180º North East" is a 90,000 word adventure narrative. It tells the true story of the journey Daniel Kutcher made through Australia, Asia, Canada and Scandinavia in the fall of 2009 when he was 24. Integrated within the main body of text that tells the story of what he lived through and learnt during the trip, photos, maps, expressive text and video help immerse the reader in the adventure and give a better sense of the author's own personal experience.

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NISSAN Calendar 2013

Every year Nissan produces a calendar under the theme of its brand tagline “Excitement unlike any other”. The year 2013 version is filled with eye-opening and unique ideas and images as the result of collaboration with a dance-painting artist “ SAORI KANDA”. All the images in the calendar are the works of SAORI KANDA the dance-painting artist. She embodied her inspiration given by Nissan vehicle in her paintings which were directly drawn on a horizont curtain placed in the studio.

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A bibliophile, fully-illustrated book about the early days of Jazz in New York. In a blend of illustrations, facts, anecdotes and an accompanying CD of original recordings this book presents 24 leading lights of New York’s jazz scene in the 1920s. Illustration, typography, design and the CD form a graphic unit.

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World's greatest design teams.

Sometimes you need a very big team of talented designers to come up with truly great designs. Everyday, we feature a distinct award-winning innovative and creative design team. Explore and discover original and creative architecture, good design, fashion, graphics design and design strategy projects from design teams worldwide. Get inspired by the original works by grand master designers.

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