DZGN featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


SATA | BIA - Blue Islands Açor

The BIA is a local-bird symbol of the Atlantic Sky, which flies over thoughts and dreams over countries, a pilot of nature which transports people, memories, business and companies. At SATA, BIA will always symbolize the union of the nine islands of the Archipelago in one atlantic challenge: take the name of the Azores to the World and bring the World to the Azores. The BIA – Blue Islands Azores – a reinvented açor bird, rectilinear, inspired in the futurism of prototypes, built on its unique genetic code, as asymmetrical, distinct and colored as the nine islands of the Azores.

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Nankin Lab

There is a rare pleasure in seeing a building collapse, in breaking a paper in a half, or blowing up a balloon. These are acts that sometimes last less than a second, and being so ephemeral, makes you run longuer in a shorter time. These are situations involving speed and high intensity. Nankin Lab is a design studio that recreates on these moments to generate new projects.

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Blossom Cava

An intelligent way to give more - flowers and a little bit of Cava sparkling wine.

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Blue Goose

SID LEE Toronto developed the brand identity and packaging design for Blue Goose, a Canadian-based organic and natural food company that specializes in high quality beef, chicken and fish. Design inspiration came from visiting a Blue Goose farm in British Columbia; seeing the land, the environment, and how well the animals were being treated. The brand’s story is embedded in all aspects of its identity and packaging, with the use of hand-drawn illustrations to provide a rich and detailed representation of the natural environment and excellent conditions in which the animals were raised.

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Coca-Cola Tet 2014

To create a series of Coca-Cola cans which spread millions of Tet wishes nation wide. We utilized Coca-cola's Tet symbol (the Swallow Bird) as the device to form these wishes. For each can, hundreds of hand-drawn swallows were crafted and carefully arranged around a custom script, which together form a series of meaningful Vietnamese wishes. "An", means Peace. "Tai" means Success, "Loc" means Prosperity. These words are widely exchanged throughout the holiday, and traditionally adorn Tet decorations.

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Die Limo

The key difference is the simplicity and transparency cause of the adult target group. we decided to show the basics of a fruity lemonade in a modern/adult way: fruits and ice printed on a special transparency-label - unique in the lemonade-market. “Die Limo“ (i.e. the lemonade) is the first lemonade by Granini. And as we have named it „Die Limo“, it obviously could not look like an ordinary lemonade.

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Design interview of the day

Read the latest interviews and conversations on design, creativity and innovation between design journalist and world-famous designers, artists and architects. See latest design projects and award-winning designs by famous designers, artists, architects and innovators. Discover new insights on creativity, innovation, arts, design and architecture. Learn about design processes of great designers.

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